
Creating a Photo Backdrop on a Budget - DIY Baby’s 1st Birthday

I have less than a month till my baby's FIRST Birthday and I am DIYing the WHOLE thing! Join me through my creative process and I make everything for his Birthday Party🎉

Can you believe it? My baby Leo is almost turning one! As I started planning his birthday, I quickly realized that the cost of party decorations can be sky-high. Balloon garlands with backdrops were priced at a minimum of $1200! Determined to stay within a budget and add a personal touch, I decided to embark on a DIY journey. I documented the entire process to inspire others who want to create their own decorations. Join me as I share my creative process and thoughts in this mini DIY series for my baby's first birthday.

For Leo's birthday theme, I initially considered a jungle or lion theme but couldn't find enough mushroom decor for a one-up birthday theme. Eventually, I settled on "One Happy Dude," featuring adorable smiley faces. It couldn't get any easier or cuter than that!

To create the backdrop, I decided to work with two separate wooden arches. I purchased two pieces of four by eight feet plywood. One arch would have a rainbow design with varying shades of yellow, while the other would be a simple backdrop covered in smiley faces.

Fortunately, my brother is skilled in woodworking and generously offered his expertise. Together, we measured, sketched, and cut the arches using a jigsaw. Working in our backyard surrounded by nature, we had a blast sanding and shaping the wood. It was a truly fulfilling experience to create something tangible with our own hands.

To ensure a smooth arch shape, my brother taught me a handy trick using a measuring tape. By finding the center and attaching a nail, we were able to create consistent and precise arches. We adjusted and re-cut the arches to match each other, resulting in beautifully curved wooden pieces.

The next challenge was to find a way to securely stand the arches. With the help of my brother and husband, we attached additional support pieces and hinges to make the arches foldable and stable. It was a proud moment when we successfully completed this crucial step.

Before painting, I cleaned the wooden pieces with white vinegar and applied a primer to prevent mold growth. With straight lines in mind, I used painter's tape to create clean edges. Then, using indoor pink paint, I brought the arches to life. Painting was my favorite part, as it added vibrancy and personality to the backdrop.

Rather than painting smiley faces individually, I decided to utilize my Cricut machine. Scaling up the smiley faces, I cut yellow vinyl with the Cricut and easily adhered them to the backdrop. This method ensured consistency and saved time.

With both arches complete and smiley faces in place, the backdrop was taking shape. I carefully considered the placement of the smiley faces, leaving space in the center for Leo's high chair. The backdrop will be surrounded by balloons, and I can't wait to see the final result.

Creating a DIY photo backdrop for Leo's first birthday has been an exciting and fulfilling journey. From woodworking to painting and adding smiley faces, every step has been filled with joy and anticipation. Not only did we save a significant amount of money, but we also created something unique and meaningful for our baby boy. Stay tuned for the big reveal of the full setup in the upcoming series. Remember, you don't have to break the bank to make special memories. Join me on this creative adventure and discover the satisfaction of crafting personalized decorations for your little one's special day. 💜


I'm on instagram @Tiffyquake